First Update:
Mom will be going back in a few minutes. She is prepped and ready! We are praying that her lymph nodes won't have any cancer in them so she won't have to have them removed. Her recovery will take longer if they have to take those out. She is meeting with the anesthesiologist right now. Thanks, Monica |
Second Update:
Hi everyone,
Mom is out of surgery. She will be in recovery for an hour before I can see her. It took about three hours. The mastectomy went well. They removed three lymph nodes and so far they don't look like cancer. Dr. doesn't trust that because lobular cancer is tricky. He wants to wait until they come back from the lab so we will know for sure. Mom's port was put in and it is working fine. :) I can't tell you how she looks or feels yet because I won't see her until about 3:30 PM. I will let you know then.
I know mom appreciates all of your prayers, hugs, and support!!! Y'all are great friends.
Love, Monica
Third Update:
Third Update:
Mom is staying another night. She is off narcotics and is taking motrin. The doctors are hoping that will make her stop throwing up. She is worn out and can't take calls, emails, or texts. She will connect with you guys and be back on her blog next week. She loves you and can feel your virtual hugs. Keep them coming!! Sis number two is taking over with the shift tonight and sis number three is taking her home tomorrow. Good thing she had three daughters!!! ;)
I will get sis number three Michele to give you an update tomorrow.
Fourth Update:
Hi everyone, I'm on my laptop now and I am so thankful because it is so easier to type on this than my iPhone. I was looking at my sent messages, and I don't know if you all got all of my updates. I will blame my iPhone and fat fingers for messing that up. :) She made it to the room and was doing well. She was in good spirits and had everyone laughing. Then it was time to eat... Mom got very sick and started throwing up. She was unable to eat after that. She is suffering from insomnia and they gave her a shot of something to help her sleep. It had the opposite effect on her. She only slept from 4:00-5:45 AM. She forgot to tell the doctors she takes Nexium for reflux and she hasn't had any for a few weeks. The reflux took control and made her even more sick. Her back hurt too! I felt so bad for her. Her chest didn't hurt at was everything else. Well, this morning the doctor came to visit and wants her to still go home after lunch. He ordered her some Nexium and wants her to eat breakfast in a chair. He wants her to walk around. She is just so dizzy she is having trouble with all of that. She can't wait until the morphine drip is finished because she wants the IV out. She just got sick again so we are holding off on breakfast. I will let you know how she's doing later and when she's going home. Thanks, Monica Fifth Update: Mom is staying another night. She is off narcotics and is taking motrin. The doctors are hoping that will make her stop throwing up. She is worn out and can't take calls, emails, or texts. She will connect with you guys and be back on her blog next week. She loves you and can feel your virtual hugs. Keep them coming!! Sis number two is taking over with the shift tonight and sis number three is taking her home tomorrow. Good thing she had three daughters!!! ;) I will get sis number three Michele to give you an update tomorrow. ~Monica Sixth Update: |
What a difference a day makes! Mom is off all narcotics and is feeling great! She looks great, too! She slept well last night...finally! I know she's back to herself because she just ordered a cheese pizza for lunch and was talking about Casey Anthony earlier. :-)
Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes! They are working! God is great!
TODAY - August 15, 2011:
I made it home to daughter Monica's house yesterday and got all set up in her guest bedroom. All went well until night time! My chest felt like it had been hit by a truck and my back and neck were aching from how I was having to position myself in bed. I know....whine, whine, whine!!! BUT - it has been a good day! No pain meds except Motrin, had a good nap, went to my house to collect a few forgotten items, and watched a lot of Disney with the girls! : )
This has not been a piece of cake - but this too, shall pass!
Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes! I'm looking forward to going home and driving and..............