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Staying Positive!!!! |
Well, I just thought I was starting starting actual "radiation application" on Feb. 1st! After all, I already had my "radiation consultation" last week! And everyone said I would be out of there in 15 minutes - NOT! I had a 10:00 a.m. appointment. I waited in the downstairs main lobby for 45 minutes before they came & graced me with their presence! The "radiation technician" finally came & took me up to the 2nd floor "radiation station"! She explained in her "radiation narration" that they were running way behind & that I would only be getting "radiation simulation" xrays today so they would have a proper "radiation calibration" on their machines! (Sigh.) I changed into a hospital gown & waited in the "radiation location" for 15 minutes...enough time to get a lot of "radiation education" from other BC patients concerning their "radiation frustation". They ALL complained of their burned skin that felt like elephant skin & the breaking down of their skin. They told me to get aloe vera gel - only the clear, alcohol free. They talked about how they had to sleep with their arms over their heads & putting cushiony fabric under their arms, etc., because of the pain of the radiated area touching other body parts. Yikes! I told them I didn't want to hear any more "radiation complications" because it was giving me "radiation trepidation"! Luckily, I have great supportive friends that offered their "radiaiton inspiration" positive feedback. The "radiation exploration" xrays took 30 minutes & after a couple of hours I was finally out of the "radiation location"! SO, I start actual "radiation application" today, Feb. 2nd, AT 6:00 P.M.!!!!! The ONLY appt. slot they had for today. More "radiation frustation"! Nothing like going & coming in rush hour traffic on I-30!! Just as bad news was when she gave me my "radiation duration" grueling schedule:6:00 PM - Feb. 2 (yuk - rush hour traffic!)
8:15 AM - Feb. 3 (yuk - rush hour traffic!)
7:45 AM - Feb. 6 (yuk - rush hour traffic!)
7:45 AM - Feb. 7 (yuk - rush hour traffic!)
7:45 AM - Feb. 8 (yuk - rush hour traffic!)
8:00 AM - Feb. 9 (yuk - rush hour traffic!)
11:45 AM - Feb. 10 - 17 (Love this time!)
10:45 AM - Feb 20 - Mar. 19 (Love this time!)
The 10:45 AM is the time I requested, it just takes 2 1/2 weeks to get there. I requested this time so I could get the treatment done by 11:00 - 11:15 so I could then meet friends in Dallas somewhere for lunch. Girls just wanna' have fun! That is my motto & the ringtone when one of my friends calls me.
Well, even with my above complaints, I feel GREAT mentally & physically today. Bought some workout clothes yesterday, as I am joining the Lifestyle Center at my friend's church. We are working out together & that makes the time go so fast!
I am praying for "radiation toleraton" & will have "radiation jubilation" on March 19th, my "radiation graduation" date! Then, it's a 6 month wait for the plastic surgeon (to allow "radiation complication" to heal - then it's DIEP reconstruction!
Only my Speech Pathologists will understand my love for play on words because they have it, too! If all this verbage was too much for the rest of you, I'm sorry for my "radiation fixation"! (And, I promise during my "radiation duration" I will have "radiation appreciation" because I am thankful I have one of the best cancer facilities (UTSW) only about 40 minutes away, because I have wonderful friends to offer support when I get down, because we are planning some "girl lunches" after rad treatments (we wtill think of ourselves as girls, not old ladies!), because I have great insurance to take my money worries away, because this treatment will help save my life & it is over in 6 1/2 weeks, & because I know my Lord & Savior will get me through it!