Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Patient 201910 in the Building

It all started at 4:27am with mom zooming up my street and up my driveway ready for her journey to begin. We unload all the bags, yarn, dog, and the New iPad into her post surgery suite (otherwise known as the 8 Year Old Princess Suite.) In the car, as I inform my mama that I didn't sleep so well and my body needed some McDonald's coffee, she tells me that she has been up a while; "I even dusted my bedside table this morning." Despite questioning my navigating abilities, we made it with 15 minutes to spare. Patient 201910 is what my mom will be known as today. They took her back right on time and I will join her shortly. I will stay with her until 7am and then it is TIME!! Thanks for staying with me. I will keep up the posts until my mom can do them herself. :) much love! -Monica